Wednesday, February 10, 2010

I just want to clean!

I hate how a house must first get more messy before it gets cleaner.  Clutter and mess literally make me antsy and anxious.  My house looks like it threw up.  I'm nearly done sorting the kids toys, and then once that is done I need to organize their playroom.  I wanted to do it this weekend, but I'm babysitting some boys on Friday and there is no way I can keep what I have done organized with them over.  So I'll be trying to complete most of it today and finish up tomorrow.  We bought the drawers for Davids clothes, so I'll be transferring those and then washing and organizing Charlies clothes this weekend.  I'm trying to do all of this sans painkillers to give my body a few days to detox, but I'm not sure how much I'll be able to get done without them.

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